Searching for, finding and using customer information

Find the right customer or supplier quickly with the convenient full text search - no matter whether you just enter a part of the name, the telephone number or the e-mail address.

When creating records, the automatic background search means that contact data which is found is entered automatically into the form, avoiding duplicates.


Read more about:

Function 1

Simple search - detailed results


In der Volltextsuche ganz leicht an das richtige Suchergebnis kommen
Search box for full-text search

Entering data

Enter all the data you have available in the search screen with full-text search.

Even partial information is plenty for you to get an accurate search result.


Results of search

The hit list shows all results matching the search request.


Hit list after search query

Customer data displayed in full

All data saved in the database is displayed clearly by clicking on the result.


Customer information in master data


Function 2

Automatic background search avoids duplicates

When creating a new record, the customer data which has already been entered in the system can be transferred automatically into the form. The automatic background search means that no customers or suppliers are entered twice by mistake. Master data is always kept up to date.


Durch die Hintergrundsuche gehören Dubletten der Vergangenheit an
Form for creating an offer


Entering data

Matching customer data is searched for automatically in the background whilst records are being created. Results matching the search are displayed under the form.


Results of search

The hit list shows all results matching the search request.


List of hits from automatic background search


Transferring customer data

Data relating to the required customer saved in the customer base is entered automatically into the form by clicking on the relevant result.


Data from the customer base entered into the form



How a new customer is shown when creating a record


Creating a new customer entry

If no matching customer is found in the master data, a new entry is automatically entered into the customer base.