  • New meeting wing opened: Brodos growing and growing and growing

    At long last - the new meeting wing in Baiersdorf has been officially opened. Following carneval tradition in Germany, the opening of the new meeting rooms was toasted with champagne and jam donuts. We are all very much looking forward to using the newly renovated rooms for the first time. >>read more

    Tuesday, 23. February 2016 -09:25
  • Impressive StoreShip returns quota

    The total number of StoreShip returns is quite impressive: Our average returns quota is just 1.31 percent. That is an excellent result! Our figures are far below those of the three top-selling product categories online, namely consumer electronics, fashion and media / books. >>read more

    Tuesday, 23. February 2016 -09:24
  • Brodos expands its Omnichannel capability internationally through collaboration with Brightstar Corp

    We collaborate with Brightstar, a leader in innovation and diversified services for the wireless industry, to bring to market our innovative omni-channel solution “The Connected Store.” The in-store “kiosk” will be unveiled to an international audience for the first time during Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, which is currently taking place in Barcelona and goes until 25th February. >>read more

    Tuesday, 23. February 2016 -09:23
  • Association of Towns and Municipalities warns: bricks-and-mortar retail threatened with closure

    It is common knowledge that more and more people are buying their products on the internet. Now, however, it has reached the stage that more and more bricks-and-mortar stores are having to close. Even the German Association of Towns and Municipalities is now warning against the demise of town centres. >>read more

    Tuesday, 23. February 2016 -09:22
  • Continued development of brick and mortar retail: Guest contribution by Benedict Kober

    According to an old German saying, trade is change, and this saying is more pertinent today than ever before. The internet has had a lasting effect on customer behaviour and more and more people are deciding to make purchases online. The first round in e-commerce went to the so-called pure players, but consumers will become more demanding when it comes to the shopping experience, service and services they expect and that is precisely where brick and mortar retailers with local stores and staff available in store are in the better starting position. >>read more

    Tuesday, 2. February 2016 -08:12

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